A new complex for connection of a deaf person with a hearing one, which gives an amazing opportunity of real communication.
The complex consists of two Android-devices connected with each other by means of Bluetooth. One of the devices, called “device-D” (Deaf Person), is kept by a deaf person. The other one, called “device-H” (Hearing Person), is kept by a hearing person.
The application for the device-D, called Deaf-Hearing Chat Device D, enables a deaf person to type text messages on a virtual keyboard and to send them to the device-H (the button “Send”). Each sent message can be duplicated by the synthetic speech (the button “Speak and Send”). For the synthetic speech a speech synthesis module should be installed on the device (usually it’s installed; if it’s not it can be downloaded from Google Play, e.g. SVOX classic TTS or Pico TTS). The messages, received from the device-H, are shown on the display.
The application for the device-H, called Deaf-Hearing Chat Device H, enables a hearing person to type text messages on a virtual keyboard or using voice input (the button “Voice Input”). You need an Internet access for voice input. To test the Internet connection quality you should press the button “Test”. To send a message to device-D you should press the button “Send”. The messages, received from the device-D, are shown on the display.
Supported languages for voice input: English (US, UK, Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, South Africa ), French, German, Italian, Russian, Hebrew, Spanish (Spain, US, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela), Japanese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Czech, Turkish, Dutch, Mandarin Chinese (Traditional Taiwan, Simplified China, Simplified Hong Kong), Korean, Indonesian, Malaysian and some others.
The exchange of messages is possible in any language supported by your Android-device. Such complex can be used in any country. All messages between the devices free of charge.
Once again, pay your attention that for the use of the complex you need to install the following:
- for the device D – the application Deaf-Hearing Chat Device D;
- for the device H – the application Deaf-Hearing Chat Device H.
This complex gives to deaf person fantastic capabilities for communication. Device-D and device-H connect via bluetooth.
You can choose one or more of the three variants of the complex:
1. phone(as device-D) + phone (as device-H)
This variant is very convenient for constant communication, for those families in which there is a deaf member. Each message is followed by vibration, so one can always call a deaf person, address him (or her).
2. phone (as device-D) + tablet (as device-H)
A deaf person can always have complex with himself (herself). It’s very convenient for communicating freely with the hearing people in public places: shops, hospitals, service centers, etc. A deaf person just hands a tablet to a manager or a consultant, and after that they can communicate freely. The convenience of a tablet is that at its small size its keyboard is big enough, so that everyone can type a big volume of text. It’s better to use a 7” tablet. The convenience of a smartphone is its compactness, and the deaf people usually type messages on its virtual keyboard very quickly.
3. tablet (as device-D) + tablet (as device-H)
This variant can be useful for a services sector, where the deaf people are served. For serving a deaf client the latter is given the device-D, the device-H is kept by a hearing manager, after what they start communicating.
Also, if a deaf person has difficulties with typing messages on a small smartphone keyboard the complex “a tablet + a tablet” will be more convenient.
User review from US
User review from Russia
User review from Netherlands
North Dakota Interagency Program for Assistive Technology Review
download applications for device-D and Device-H from Google Play
If you have any questions, please ask in comments.